Dogs and Dragons
This guy bailed out of a stolen car and started jumping backyard fences in a residential neighborhood. The K-9 sniffed him out in a tool shed. Instead of coming out as ordered, he decided to take a fighting stance and challenge the dog.
As the police dog charged, this tough guy swung a wild punch trying to hit the dog. As the punch missed the dog, the arm was now perfectly positioned in front of his body for a vicious bite. The dog clamped down and violently shook the suspect to the ground. He cried all the way to the hospital.
If you decide to fight a police dog while shirtless, be advised the 'scary' dragon tattoo will offer no protection.

In other news, I recently interviewed for the position of Field Training Officer (FTO) and was selected with 4 others. I'll be attending FTO school in a week and will the be transferred to a new squad. I'll be training rookie officers fresh out of the academy.
Good luck with the new position. I know you will do great... I hope the new baby is doing great.
How horrible. Is the dog okay?
So, did he taste like chicken?
Congrats on the selection, by the way.
Congratulations on picking up FTO - you'll find that you will learn just as much as the new recruits, examining how you do the job as you teach them how to come home at the end of the shift. Definitely a rewarding, even if sometimes frustrating role.
Looks like he may be needing a few touch ups on his tat!
You fight a trained dog - you WILL get hurt. Folks like the OSS used to teach HOW to fight a trained dog, but emphasized that it wasn't a very good idea. Then again, in their case it was usually "fight the dog or die".
Dad (who was OSS Operations Group) told me some of the methods, and said - expect 50-100+ stitches, and if the handler with the dog is around - your probably dead/captured but the time you were done, and that is for guys who were TRAINED for it.
Much easier to listen to Mr Police Officer, and come out (Or better yet - don't break the law, so Mr Police Officer doesn't have to ask you to come out, eh?) My last interaction with a K-9 Unit was "Nice looking dog officer" "Thank You" "What is his name?" (can't remember the dogs name) "Well, have a safe shift officer" - and we both went on our way (He was patrolling in Penn Station NY)
Do I understand this correctly? The guy was in a tool shed and tried to use barehanded karate on a dog instead of picking up a rake or shovel to fend it off? It's hard to decide whether that's even more stupid than trying to fight a dog that has armed police officers for backup in the first place...
Damn, I was hoping that my scary dragon tattoo was going to protect me from the pit bulls down the street.
I guess I am going to have to rethink my approach to dogs now.
Congrats on the new job
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btw, I saw this new video posted on youtube from a new lighting company,
anyone here know anything about them?
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