Is There Anybody Out There?
It's been almost three years since I posted an entry on this blog. Does anyone still read it? I am considering starting the blog up again and am wondering if there is any interest.
Observations and accounts of life as a police officer.
I am still interested.
Please do leave your comments, we need to know the inside stories.
Still around as well- look forward to your return.
Definitely still interested!
I would love to have you back
Chiming in late! I still have you in my RSS feed and would LOVE to hear more of your stories.
You are in my RSS feed and I certainly would read if you started up again.
Had to do a double take when I saw your blog pop up on my blog roll! YES! Would be very interested in reading your blog!
I'm very interested. I am working on a capstone project on stress in law enforcement for UVA and wonder if you'd be interested in sharing some of your stories with me. My email is
I just stumbled across your blog. I am an aspiring officer and find your posts very useful. Would love to read your new material
yes! I have been reading!
like "uncle will" I too stumbled across your blog as I am thinking of switching careers
Definitely interested.
Do it please, you would make my month if this blog started up again.
yes, pleeeease, blog more! :D this is really interesting!
Still interested. Was one of my favorite blogs when you wrote it.
Stay safe out there.
I would also like to know how you plan to get around your departments policies. But that is just out of personal curiosity.
Wow ! Keep posting!
I hadn't checked for quite a while, but I was hoping you'd eventually start blogging again.
I would love to see more, I've read your blog 3-4 times all the way through.
I just found this blog and as a student working towards a career as a Police Officer, I would love to follow your blog.
Definately still interested! As an actor researching for roles, these stories are quite interesting, educational, and informative on the life of an officer. Thank you for your services, as well as your stories, much appreciated!
We recommend your blog to people considering law enforcement as a career, so please keep up the good work!
I just recently stumbled across your blog, and I would read! I have been interesting in law enforcement, and it has been interesting reading some of your posts!
I think you should bring it back. I recently read your whole blog, and just applied to be a police officer in my city. Your blog really helped in my decision. I just submitted my application yesterday, and I decided to follow your footsteps and blog about my experience applying and everything that goes through it.
yes mate. please continue
I read it, i'm a college student in florida and hopefully will go thru the academy after i get my AA degree. I really aspire to be a police officer and you're blog has made it into a bigger goal. It would be an honor to give my life to civil service and helping my community. thank you garry, i really hope your blog comes back.
Yes, please continue!
Please sir, may we have some more?!
I've love to see it. I'm thinking about becoming a police officer myself, it's nice to get an inside view on everything, to know what awaits me, and I appreciate you doing what you do.
I can't believe that I just found your blog today. I am married to a wonderful man that has been in Law Enforcement for 30 years. I hope that you wil continue to write in your private time about your hours on the road in your town. I love all the stories my husband comes home with. We cry, laugh and share everyday.
Started reading your blog when you started it and it has never left my bookmark list. Definitely interested!!!!
I'm thinking about applying to be a police officer in N.O., so I'm trying to collect as many first-hand experiences as I can. Your blog has been the best source I've found so far.
Still reading! Bring it back.
I found your blog about a year ago and spent an entire night reading every word. I randomly check back to see if you post anything new and to my surprise this time I find this...
I hope you are still considering and I think it would be awesome if you did!
yes please do
As a paramedic, it is really nice to read how life is "on the other side of the fence"if you will. I would love to make something like this from my perspective and I think you would be surprised how similar our stories are.. I love reading this!
Very important type of info for those of us trying to get into this career! Please come back!
Yes please. I'm 19 and looking into becoming a police officer and an insight would be greatly appreciated!
I found your blog about 2 weeks ago. Been reading it since you started. Really enjoyed it! Sad that you aren't able to keep blogging!
"Frozen Lies", by R. A. Quinn, a fiction mystery featuring Alaskan Criminal Investigator "Jacob Rohn" is now available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit Alaska Dreams Publishing at for links.
I found your blog this weekend and read the whole thing. I've been thinking about being a police officer which is something I've never really considered before, but recently it's been calling me. Thank you so much for your insight and experiences. Your blog is truly inspiring.
I wonder if he has made Detective yet, I remember reading that was his goal and that he could apply after 2 years of patrol experience.
Hello Gary,
I am a fellow Police Officer. I would appreciate you contact me. I would rather not talk about it on your blog.
I'm thinking about a career in law enforcement and stumbled across your blog. It's been incredibly helpful and entertaining. I read all your posts in about a week! Thanks for taking the time. Keep posting!
Yes, still around.
The bottom-most quartile of these workers has a mean annual income of $27,310 while the upper-most quartile receives $72,450. Of course, police detective supervisors have a different pay rate than that of police officers and sheriff patrol officers. Average Salary of Police Officer
I just finished reading all of your posts. I would love it if you started up again!
Just found your site as son is looking at going to school in Athens. I'm loving it. Please continue (assuming it doesn't jeopardize your employment - which begs the question - how can they tell you you can't engage in lawful conduct while you're not on duty or otherwise representing the department)?
Definitely still in it for the long haul! As a prospective law enforcement agent, I find your posts sobering and somewhat hopeful.
I would be thrilled if this blog would see life again, Officer.
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Hey Officer Gary, I loved reading your blog. The posts kept me interested everyday. I did not want the posts to end, they made me laugh, smile and feel like I was right there with you. The points you bring up are very thought provoking and I would love for you to write again, if it won't get you in trouble of course. I am a high schooler looking into the law enforcement field too. I would love to hear from you about going to college for it and any advice you have for me. Email is
Thank you for the blog
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continue the work-
Oh we are still here. And boy are we listening. Don't wait another 3years to post again!
I just started reading. I'm fascinated. Your stories are gripping, whether they are scary, heartwarming, or plain insane. You also have a good writing style.
Too bad you can't post anymore. I would definitely read.
My name is Sierra and for one of my assignments for college we have to interview an officer. If you wouldn't mind a quick questioned interview please contact me at I'd greatly appreciate your time.
DAMN STRAIGHT you should start back up again...and ALL the positive comments should have you convinced.
Get 'er done, Boss!
Stay safe out there!
how is it like to be a police officer and what are good techniques for I can study because I really want to be a police officer.
I am a police officer from India. I have been reading your blog with interest. A police officer's life is full of adventure. It is more than what we se in movies. I would suggest you to let us know about your day to day experience.
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Still here and read through your blog twice! I am currently in the process to become a LEO and these posts inspire me. I wish you kept going!
Love this blog. Come back man!
January 2015.
Just found this today. I am a writer and needed some material on academy and rookie life. This is the best resource besides personal interviews I've found.
Profound thanks for your efforts.
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Hi, My name is Leah. I have an online radio show entitled Life, Love, No Chaser. You can look up the show on or here on Facebook under Life, Love, No Chaser to get a feel for the type of shows we do. You can listen to the show live via phone on Wednesday by calling 347-637-3718. It's a relationship show but we also deal with topics of the day to inform and enlighten society.
On this Wednesday at 3 pm were doing a show called "Police Lives Matter". We need at least one or two police officers, active or retired to come on the show and talk about what a police officer's life is like in the streets. We want to hear about your dangerous situations and encounters; how some officers do experience PTSD and trauma; are not always racist or being harassing. We want you to share what your perspective or feelings are when dealing with the public at large. This show is meant to restore understanding, to show police in another much more positive light and to restore and enhance relations and respect on the side of both the officer and the public.
If you or someone you know would be willing to do the interview on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 3 pm eastern, 12 noon pacific. It's a call in remote interview via phone. Please write me back. We respect the need to speak anonymously if that makes it easier.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
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I'm here
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I am still reading you and i love it and i hope you continue it~
Awesome blog! I doubt you'll start it back up, but it'd be awesome if you did.
Wonderful collection of the posts!! These will be definitely helpful for everyone.
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It's been a bad article for me. I wish to continue. You are writing good useful content blog. Thank you.
I realize that it's been 6 years since this entry was written, but I just wanted to say that your blog has been really interesting and offerd some really good insight. I am currently waiting to start the State Trooper academy in Texas and I discovered your blog last week and have read through it in its entirety, if you are able to start up writing again you definatly have at least one guaranteed reader.
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Give me your yummy police officer cum
I miss it. :/
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Hello, I am a child of an LEO. My parent's career and choice to protect others is amazing, and I will never forget any officer's sacrifice. As the child of one, in the current state of things, I am becoming very anxious. I just want to know if anyone else is out there that understands what I am going through. Please talk to me, I need it.
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I think in today's political climate, and given Chief Jeri Williams' efforts to promote transparency and good public relations, it can be argued that your blog does an excellent job of humanizing the experiences of a police officer and working toward that end...
In fact, I thought of your blog and revisited it recently after seeing several of Phoenix PD's Debriefing videos posted to social media. So if you're still interested in blogging again, your department might be more supportive of it today than they were in 2009 when they told you to pull the plug. Just a thought. Hope you are well!
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