Thursday, September 29, 2005

Who Woulda Thought

Who woulda thought that, given the prevalence of pot-bellied police officers around town, the Academy would be so physically demanding. Gary is exhausted from the physical torture sessions, err...workouts. Some of the comments he's made recently: "I left my hamstrings on the parade deck," "They're trying to kill us," and last night's comment of "I can't wait until I get my leg replacement."

Here are a few highlights of the torture:

Monday, he stubbed his toe scaling a 6-foot wall. Stubbed is actually an understatement. When he got home, he removed his socks and shoes to reveal the most hideous spectrum of colors ranging from black to purple to cranberry and everything in between. Literally, his entire big toe and half of the top of his foot was black and blue. I was convinced it was broken (still have my doubts), but he claims he'd be "in much more pain." Let's just say that with a toe that looked like that, I'd be applying for a handicapped parking space. Gary, on the other hand, had to stuff it into his shoe the next day and endure a grueling mountain run. Whatta guy!

Tuesday, they did a grueling round of squats-leaps. In this exercise, which was most likely invented by the Nazis, the goal is to sit in a squat position for a period of time, then to leap high into the sky, then fall back into the squat position. Okay, so it doesn't sound that bad if you think in small increments. However, they worked them to the point of exhaustion. People's jelly legs began giving out and they would drop to the ground. Mercy? No! Each time someone collapsed, the sergeant would announce that they would have to start over!

Wednesday, they had to do a trail run to the top of a mountain, and then at the top, they had to do their calesthenics. This includes multiple sets of pushups, sit-ups, squats, etc. Imagine doing 100 situps on top of the mountain. What's that you say? The rocks piercing your back? Exactly my point.

Of course, this is all taking place in the 100+ degree sun.

Fortunately, Gary is taking it all in stride. Four people have quit so far, including two who were wisked off in ambulances on "Fight Day." It's tough, but Gary has no desire to give up. He's a real trooper. Continue sending him your words of encouragement -- it really motivates him to know he has a support system.

By the way, he had his first "test block" on Monday and did quite well. He missed 3 of 79 questions!


At September 29, 2005 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My poor Bubba, I cannot believe how difficult this is. Now I know why I do not know anyone else in the police force. If it is difficult for you, I can't imagine how difficult it must be for the average person. Keep up the good work. You are doing great!

At September 29, 2005 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary,Gary,Gary....Your determination is awesome. It's bound to get a little easier each week, isn't it? Please be careful and remember we're behind you 100%. Love, Mom & Curtis

At September 29, 2005 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up, buddy. Wait til the pushups on gravel with a 40lbs ruck, hopefully the police do ot do this maybe SWAT school. Be careful with the situps but do not dog it. We had a guy at Benning during Basic training who gave himself a hyrnia doing some uphill push ups. He was cooked, but became a good candy smuggler until his surgery. Again, get effort and good job on the exam.

At September 29, 2005 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. I'm damn proud to know that you're going to be out there looking after us. Once you make Detective I need to do a ride along for strategic screenwriting purposes...

We're praying for you--never surrender!

p.s. illegitimatum non carboredum

At September 30, 2005 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there you are doing terrific. We're so proud of you. Take care and know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Great on the exam. We support you and Vicki in this endeavor. Let us hear if you need anything. Love the blog updates. Sheriff's accademy training also took it's toll on me. That was way back in October and November of '74. I think my legs are still rubbery from that experience.
Love ya, Dad and Sharon.

At September 30, 2005 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Gary. It's worth it!!!!! Just don't forget to invite me to your graduation. I hope your toe is feeling better. Mine was in pain just at the thought.


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